Information retrieval

The previous experiment showed that  information storage  is still cumbersome. On the other hand, information retrieval  is simpler. We start with two synchronized oscillating CA  with a period  of  46  time units. The experiment starts when both reach state-i, and CA-2 starts losing age at a rate of one age increment per step. Cells with less age die sooner than cells with more age. By t-35 all  cells are dead. The third figure under CA-2 depicts the loss of cells with time. CA-2 differentiates with time.

The 35 states of CA-2 may be regarded as a memory which stores actions, which can be visualized in the following way. Each state at a time is copied to CA-3. The outcome is depicted below. States copied between t = 1-4 had no effect on CA-3 behavior. Next,  is depicted the outcome of copying states 5 to 6, then states 7 to 11, and so on.  Altogether CA-2 memory stores six different actions.

In CA-2 context, each of the 35 states leads to its death. It is an apoptotic process.  Yet when copied to CA-3, only states 34 and 35 kill it. In the context of CA-3, all  other states acquire a different meaning. The two CA vary in their age structure.

Memory generation

This simple memory does not require any storage device! Suppose that CA-3 wants to recall state-7, the state of love. Remember that CA-3 cycles through 46 states. When arriving at state-i , it stops CA-2 aging, waits seven more time units, copies the required state and falls in love. Later on CA-2 disappears, which saves resources. CA-3 makes love for a while until being  replaced with a zygote which later on assumes  the 46 period cycle.

A retrieved information is useful if it leads to a solution.  Recall  is a perturbation  with  four kinds of outcome:
1. No change (States 1-4)
2. A new stationary oscillator. (All states except 34 and 35)
3. Transient oscillations   (States 7-11)
4. Death  (States 34-35)

nca3 zygote -> effect[no,1000]; go[70]; go[50]; go[50] storeparams; restoreparams; donate[2, 2]; If[j== mm, a[[3]] = a[[2]]]; go[100];

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