
Upper stream represents bone formation, lower stream, bone destruction, and bone content is tolerance. Treatment objective is to maximize bone mass, or tolerance. Upper stream may be raised by calcium ingestion, which is not very effective since it is not well digested. How to reduce bone destruction? Both streams, bone formation and destruction are sensitive to gravity. Remove gravity, and upper stream will produce less bone, while lower stream will eliminate (destroy) more bone. Which plagues astronauts. Zero gravity affects every gravity sensitive organ. Upper stream is cut off, while lower stream increases, and tolerance (calcium as well as health) declines. Not only bone is reduced, also muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Even the heart gets weaker.

Astronauts lose tolerance and health, which illustrates the main WOB guiding principle: Maximize gain with minimal effort and spare resources . Why keep unnecessary bones and muscles at zero gravity? Remember, WOB does not expect that its organism will return home. This example illustrates also the nature of instinct:. Information on the state of processes in the body. The outcome induced by it is an instinctive reaction. Here, instinct is sensitivity to gravity, and instinctive outcome, osteoporosis. It is controlled by WOB, and we are not aware of it .

Both streams may be manipulated by female hormones as advocated by the medical establishment. Like insulin it is administered against WOB principle, and if medicine would care to investigate, it might detect signs of hormone resistance.

