Resources accumulation rate

The CA is controlled by the following buttons:

Hide CA-2
 Makes CA shorter.
Longer: Makes CA longer.
Plant CA-1: CA-1 is planted.
Plant CA-2: CA-2 is planted.
Infusion: CA-1 adds one of its bits to CA-2, which happens only when they touch each other.

Resources= the amount of resources the CA has
Accumulation rate: v(t)


This experiment illustrates the advantage of a chaotic perturbation to CA-2. When the experiment  begins the two CA start moving. Their resources decline and they get thinner when dropping below -50  (resources < -50) they turn toward each other. When they touch or overlap,  resources are replenished  and the CA  get wider. Resource accumulation is proportional to the CA count. The fatter a CA is the more resources it accumulates. Each CA senses where the other is. Both bounce back from  the borders.

First set infusion = false  You may desynchronize the CA by replanting one of them.  The CA become more and more attracted to each other and their resources increase. They   become wider and their movement more sluggish. Finally they take up the structure of the  isolated (default) CA also called stable solution. Their mean resource accumulation rate v(t) measured in 10 time units intervals,  fluctuates between 4 and 7.

When both CA attained their  stable solution, set infusion = true. Now CA-1 infuses one of its bits to CA-2. Following  a lag period during which CA-2 becomes thinner, it starts growing and its resources accumulation rate rises. CA-2 [v(t)] > CA-1 [v(t)]. 

Now set infusion = false. Both CA will gradually assume their default isolated state. Actually the CA have two default attractors. One with a period of 46 and the other called also “Heart solution” . has a period of 29.  When infusion is stopped CA-2 may assume either one.

When the two CA part  they lose their resources and start accumulating from scratch. You may induce this state by replanting either one.


set infusion = false:
Both CA reach their stable solution Their resource accumulation rates, v(t) fluctuate between 4 -7
set infusion = true  
As long as  both CA touch each other:
CA-1   accumulation rate v(t) fluctuates between 4 – 7.   
CA-2:   After a lag period CA-2 will grow and accumulate resources faster.
set infusion = false
Both CA return to their stable solution  when CA-2 [v(t)] = CA-1 [v(t)].  However CA-2 [resources] > CA-1 [resources] and Abs [ CA-2 [resources] – CA-1 [resources]] = const.

Once the CA separate   they lose all their resources. 

Click here to inspect the trajectory of a typical experiment