Interaction with an obstacle

The CA is controlled by the following buttons:
Stop interact: Stops interaction between CA and obstacle. The interaction state is displayed .
Shorter: Makes CA shorter.
Longer: Makes CA longer.
Plant CA: CA is planted.

The obstacle is controlled by the following buttons:
Upward: Moves obstacle upward. Its y-coordinate is displayed as ycoord =.
Downward: Moves obstacle downward. Its y-coordinate is displayed as ycoord =.
Hide obstacle:

When the applet is started  a green obstacle is placed at ycoord =  60. A zygote is planted and the CA starts growing.  When it matures it plants a new zygote and then dies. The new CA starts moving upward (v CA sense organ). When reaching the obstacle it sticks to it and changes its structure. Click on “Stop interact”. The CA will move upward and start oscillating between the two horizontal lines. Please remeber, only the first displayed CA interacts, the rest are its memories.

CA resopnse depends on the obstacle site

In the following experiments, first  change the obstacle position and then click on “Plant CA” . If the CA adheres it may be rescued by clicking Stop interact.  

yacoord          Response    
60                    Adhesion. In order to rescue it click on Stop interact.
61                    Moves upward after short interaction (sniffing)
62                    Toxic -> CA dies
63                    Moves upward after short interaction (sniffing)
64                    No interaction (obstacle is ignored)
65                    Adhesion. In order to rescue it click on Stop interact.
66                    Moves upward after short interaction (sniffing)
67                    Toxic -> CA dies
68                    Moves upward after short interaction (sniffing)
69                    Adhesion. In order to rescue it click on Stop interact.
70                    Zygote dies and is replanted again. In order to rescue it click on Stop interact.

CA behavior may be influenced also by moving the obstacle. You may repeat this experiment after hiding the obstacle, Its position is displayed as ycoord=.

At onset of the applet the CA is isolated and when maturing, it plants a new zygote and then dies. The new CA starts moving upward. While moving, its structure oscillates around  its center of mass. At each point the CA actually occupies an attractor (solution), whose center of mass moves. At ycoord = 60 the CA runs into the obstacle.  After a brief perturbation it establishes a new solution and oscillates around a new center of mass (attractor).  It may be rescued by clicking on Stop interact  whereupon it will continue upward. The CA remembers where it was heading before meeting the obstacle.

CA behavior will depend on the site of the obstacle:
1. Adhesion (ycoord=  {60,65,69,70}
2. Death due to intoxication (ycoord= {62,67}
3. The CA sniffs the obstacle for a while and then continues upward (ycoors = {61,63,66,68}.
4. No interaction. The CA ignores the obstacle (ycoord = 64)


As the CA interacts with the obstacle, we may move it and observe the CA response.  Whatever will happen as long as it exists the CA will always remember where it was heading.

System attractor

Place the obstacle at ycoord=47 and plant the CA. It will move upward and while moving it will oscillate around its center of mass. When hitting the obstacle it will die and start again. Now observe the system as a whole  (CA and obstacle). It also oscillates around its center of mass The system thus consists of three attractors:

1. The CA oscillation around its  center of mass.
2. The obstacle which might be regarded as a trivial attractor.
3. CA movement and its response to the obstacle. 

If you remove the obstacle and let the CA  move undisturbed   the system attractor consists only of two attractors:
1. The CA oscillation around its  center of mass
2. CA movement between the two horizontal lines v CA sense organ )