Proliferon history

The previous chapter described how processes (CA) in the proliferon interact. We turn now to investigate rhe proliferon as a whole. First some explanation about its design:

The observer  determines:
The rules applied by the CA.
Who delivers tolerance to whom.
The conditions for planting a CA.
The upper CA-3 tolerance level at which it will be killed.
He also plants CA-0.

CA-0 (the stem process):
Plants transitional CA.
Kills CA-3.

CA-2 Delivers its daily produced tolerance to CA-3.

The graphs depict the evolution of the proliferon:

0 Observer plants CA-0   (1)
70 CA-0 reaches its solution (steady state)  (A)

CA-0 plants CA-1 and CA-2 (2)

170 CA-1 and CA-2 reach their solutions (steady state) (B)

CA-0 plants CA-3 and creates a trigger link from CA-3 to  CA-1 and CA-2 (3)
CA-1 starts delivering its daily produced tolerance to CA-2.

300 Proliferon reaches its solution (steady state) (C) (4)

When a CA reaches its solution it maintains it until perturbed. Planting a CA is such a trigger. The condition for planting a CA were set by the observer during proliferon design. He then planted CA-0 whereupon it grew without the observer’s interference. The experiment described in the previous chapter started when CA-3 was planted  (t=200).  The unit proceeds from solution to solution. When speaking of a solution we mean a structural solution. Tolerance does not settle at any solution it may change even during steady state.

Two dimensions of life

Structure and tolerance (health) are two independent dimensions of life. From its inception the living thing proceeds from solution to solution. However its survival depends on its tolerance. The two  dimensions of the proliferon  are depicted in the next graph. Since tolerance  is closely related to health, we may conclude that in the present experiment  the proliferon continually improved its health. In a chronic disease tolerance may be lost and the proliferon gets worse.
