Activity and rest

The CA is driven by a continuous accumulation of age (resources). A parameter stop age  sets the age above which a CA stops aging. When one of its cells reaches  this threshold, CA pauses and rests. Unlike max age which initiates CA differentiation, stop age simply stops aging. When CA rests, it utilizes age for its existence, and age declines. The rate of decline is the negative of age accumulation rate in  an active CA. The experiment below illustrates this process. The curve depicts roughly what happens.  It depicts CA-3 maximal age, while the CA responds to the aging of individual cells.

When resting, CA does not change its structure for a while, which may be regarded as short term memory, or a register which stores information for a while. This register may serve also for delaying the presentation of information to other CA until it is needed. Here storage is activated by stop age, in the next experiment it will be activated by CA-1[mean age]. Whenever a cell age crosses CA-1[mean age], CA-3 pauses

The next experiment describes a differentiating CA-3 with delays. During the experiment CA-3 received two age increments from CA-2, otherwise it would not differentiate. Note the prolonged horizontal segment in the production curve, which results in part due to CA resting.

nca=3  zygote -> effect[no 1000]; go[63]; go109]; restoreparams donate[3, 2];; move[3, nowdat[[1 , 7]]]; go[100]; dying[3, 110, 0]; donate[3, 2]; donate[3, 2];  move[3, nowdat[[1,7]]]; go[100].

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