
We continue the experiment of the previous chapter, Plant two zygotes, let them evolve,  and start our experiment at t = 150, when the system has reached a steady state. The interaction between the two CA is stopped at rising times.

When interaction ends, in most cases  CA-1 continues living for a while and then dies. Only at times 36-39 it survives, creating a new oscillator with a period of 29 time units (compare with  chapter 48). The following graph depicts cell count of  CA-2 after the interaction stopped.

CA-1 depends on CA-2, and needs its product to survive. When the product is not available, 91% =(42/46)  of CA-1 die. The rest restructure and become a different oscillator. Compare with chapter 45.

The next experiment starts when steady state was reached. At t = 38 interaction stops and CA-1 becomes a new oscillator with a period 29. At t =120 interaction is activated. After a transition phase,   CA-1 settles at a steady state. Compare with  chapters 48, 49, and 50.

CA-1 repertory consists of three solutions (stable states).  Transitions  are generally dangerous since they may end in death. In the present experiment  CA-2  protects CA-1 from dying even during transitions.

injurystate[1, j, 1, iend =1000, f[[2, 1]], 3. nowdat[[2,10]],1]; injurystate[1, j, 1, iend = 1000, f[[2, 2]], 3. nowdat[[2, 10]],1]; Stop interaction: iend = mm

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