Internal injury

A previous  chapter depicted  CA response to injury . In the present experiment we start with two healthy CAs whose interaction is set to {11,11}. Next,  CA-2 is injured deeper and deeper, along the arrow.  Injury depth is marked on its top. Each CA responds to the insult in a different way. CA-2 attempts to repair the damage, in the same way as described  before. These attempts affect  also  CA-1 structure. Like in the second frame. When the cut eliminates 8 pixels, CA-1 shrinks. Finally, when CA-2 is cut through, its impact on CA-1 vanishes, {11, 0}  and CA-1 assumes it non-interacting structure .

Primary and secondary response

The left graph below, depicts a declining cell production in both CAs. While the decline in  CA-2 results from the injury itself, CA-1 responds to changes of CA-2 structure, and not to the injury itself. We shall distinguish between two kinds of response to injury.  Primary, manifested here by CA-2, and secondary, manifested by CA-1.

The second graph depicts the correlation between cell production of the two CAs. Depending on their mutual impact, this correlation may even vanish.

Disease indicator

Imagine that the response of CA-2 to injury is concealed from us, and we are unaware of its cause. On the other hand we are able to observe the behavior of CA-1, which  indicates  that something is going on inside.  CA-1 serves as an indicator of a hidden damaged process. In medical terms, it is a sign or symptom.  Since CA-1 itself changes, we tend to conclude that it is sick, while in reality it is healthy.

This illusion clouds medical reasoning, and harms many patients. Like in essential hypertension . Rising blood pressure indicates a derangement of hidden processes, yet medicine regards it as primary damage. In reality it is a secondary response to hidden damaged processes, whose primary damage is still unknown. Yet medicine rushes to treat it as if it were the only manifestation of the disease.

Observe the CA couple, and imagine how would treatment of CA-1 affect both CAs? Everything would get worse!.

WOB computer

This experiment illustrates also how an output of a WOB computer might look like.  The means to read process memory were described before. Since WOB is a set of processes, we are concerned how to output its state. The indicator process, here CA-1 is a possible output, or better,  the set of indicator processes, which may be accessed by our measuring  devises is WOB output.

Additional reading:
WOB computer

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