Sentinel process

We start with three isolated CA each programmed (wired) to deliver its product to its follower, whenever it has more to offer. At his stage none of them delivers since they have the same amount of  product.

Next, whenever  CA-1 (the stem process) is in state = 5 it injures CA-2. The entire proliferon responds and becomes atrophic.

By means of the  For loop, CA-2 was injured at different CA-1 states. In 6 states the injured proliferon  became isolated and returned to its initial state. In 4 states it settled at proper solutions. In 36 states the proliferon oscillated chaotically and finally became atrophic (are also solutions).  The response of all three CA to injury always matched up.

In the next experiment the proliferon was injured as above. At t = 100 days the stem process applied the exchange state strategy to CA-2 and the proliferon regained some tolerance (vigor). Again, the response of all CA was coordinated.

Sentinel process

We may now generate a big CA set. Whatever we do to CA-2 will be reflected by the entire set. CA-2 is a sentinel process which indicates how the entire set behaves. If it dwindles, so do all the rest, and if it gains tolerance, the entire proliferon prospers.

Localized and systemic

This experiment illustrates a property of our organism which medicine barely comprehends. Since all processes in the body interact,  diseases are systemic. Yet medicine distinguishes between localized and systemic diseases. It postulates that cancer starts as a localized tumor which evolves into a systemic disease. In reality from its very beginning cancer is systemic and the tumor is only a sentinel process.
